To new generation of readers and writers

What are good at minibooks

What are good at minibooks

Multicultural minibooks

Discover minibooks from around the world.
Discover the diversity of cultures and their distinct characteristics.
It will broaden your perspectives.

Each culture’s uniqueness broadens our perspectives and serves as an infinite source of inspiration.

Your curiosity and need for fresh knowledge will be satiated by minibooks from many cultures.
This experience will take you beyond basic knowledge acquisition to a voyage of deepening your life, challenging preconceptions, and intellectual growth.

World top authors

Fascinating folks from the West and East.
What do they realize, and what do they say?
Let’s meet them now.

There are more people in the world with exceptional experiences and incredible knowledge than you can think.

Meet and speak with the authors who have created minibooks filled with genuine experiences and deep expertise.

Your imagination will be limitless, and your creativity will expand indefinitely. Your goal of meeting people from all around the world is only a click away.

Easy to read

Minibooks are easy to read.
That’s because they are short.
They normally consist of one cover and nine pages, for a total of ten pages.

Books we used to read had at least 100 pages.
We’re used to YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook, and it’s difficult to read something that long nowadays.

Does being short imply a lack of depth?
No, it does not.
Minibooks, like episodes on Netflix, can be read as a series while maintaining a high level of depth.

Easy to write

Minibooks are simple to write.
Writing hundreds of pages is difficult, but ten pages is a different story.
A few days, at most.

You do not need to be serious about writing a book.
Simply select a topic and begin drafting the material.
Nowadays, AI such as ChatGPT can assist you with this.

Upload it to the YouBook app, and it will be instantly published as a minibook.
If readers enjoy it, consider writing a sequel as a series.
You will be astonished at how simple it is after you try it.

Multiple languages

Viewable in multiple languages.
No matter what language you write in, it will be instantly translated into various languages once published.
The minibook you view is seen by the entire world.

Today, the entire world is connected online.
However, books are separated by language.

We are breaking down linguistic barriers using technology such as AI.
Your minibooks are instantly exposed to individuals all over the world.
The global book market is now one.

Innovative functionalities

Ebooks are all the rage.
However, there are still many difficulties and missing functionality.
YouBook brings all of the features you’ve always desired to your fingertips.

Do you want to search your book by page?
Do you want to take notes and share them with someone?
Want to connect with readers and authors online?
Want to follow and gain followers?

YouBook, download it and try it; the rewards are great.

Why don’t you try

YouBook is ready for you

A truly useful application

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