Welcome to a quick tour of our startup’s dream team, split into two awesome groups!

Group One: The Core Crew Imagine a hero team – that’s our core members! We’ve got front-end and back-end developers (our tech wizards), designers (the visual artists), system architects (the masterminds behind the scenes), and the operations manager (our team’s anchor). They’re all in, spending every day bringing YouBook to life.

Group Two: The Flexible Experts Next up, we have a dynamic network of specialists. These are the folks who sprinkle magic dust over everything else – creating killer content, keeping our finances in check, buzzing our marketing, and whispering wise investment strategies. They’re like our special ops, ready to jump in with their expertise.

The cool part? These two groups aren’t in silos. They come together, brainstorm, and work in unison, especially when a specific task calls for it.

Looking ahead, we’re big on online collaboration. Think of us as a digital-first team. We use all the best tools – Notion for organizing, Jandi for team chats, Zoom for face-to-face, and heaps of cloud software to keep us ahead of the game.

Our vision? A work culture where location and time zones are no barriers. We’ve got talent from all over the globe, working together as one. That’s the YouBook way – diverse, innovative, unstoppable!

We are waiting to help you

Get in touch with us and let’s start transforming your reading & writing experiences from the ground up.