Innovative ways to meet the world

Together, we can make it

Together, we can make it

The world is one. We connect people with knowledge from around the world through a new approach to reading and writing. We hope to help you rediscover your passion for books.

Meet authors from all over the world and discover their publications.
The diversity of cultures and expertise in our interconnected world inspires and challenges you to solve new problems.

Minibooks are simple to write.
Writing hundreds of pages is difficult, but ten pages is a different story.
A few days, at most.

Minibooks are easy to read.
You can read a book in a few tens of minutes.

Whatever language you write in, it will be instantly translated into multiple languages once published.
This minibook is seen by the entire world.

Ebooks are all the rage.
However, there are still many difficulties and missing functionality.
YouBook brings all of the features you’ve always desired to your fingertips.

We’re Waiting To Help You

Transform the reading and writing experience now

Share your experiences and knowledge with the world

YouBook: Unraveling the Revolution Behind Our App

Meet the Dynamic Team Behind Our Minibook Platform

From Smart Cities to Smart Tech: The Evolution of Our Team’s Work

Why don’t you try it now

YouBook is ready for you. A truly useful application.

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