What do you mean? Am I a book writer?
Yes, that’s right.
When we think of “author,” we think of someone famous.
A learned professor, a successful entrepreneur, a high-achieving scientist, a knowledgeable journalist, etc.
But guess what?
The world has changed.
These days, an author is anyone who can read and write.
Let’s take YouTube.
It used to be that “movies” were made by big-name production companies.
But now?
Individuals make movies.
They’re 10 seconds, 1 minute, 30 minutes long, on their smartphones.
If you go to YouTube, 99% of the movies are like that.
It’s a world where everyone makes their own movies.
It’s the same with books.
Books used to be written by big publishers.
But what about now?
If you go to Amazon, the world’s largest ebook platform, half of the books are written by ordinary individuals.
So what about the future?
The answer is obvious. It’s going to be 99%.
Of course, we have a platform called YouBook, which makes it even simpler.
With just a few clicks of the mouse, you can create a minibook.
Now you’re the author.
We all have insights from our experiences.
If you can explain it well enough, that’s a book.
The point of a book is;
It’s not how famous you are.
It’s not how many pages it has.
It’s not how complex the content is.
The point of a book is;
What’s in it is your deepest realization.
And how honestly you express it in your own words and in your own language.
In the end, it’s about your experience, which is different from everyone else’s.
One or two pages is ok, ten pages is great.
Your desire to tell this story to someone;
As long as you have that desire, you’re a writer.
Don’t be afraid of anything.
We’re all connected at the heart and mind.
Just think about one thing.
Do I love someone?
What do I want to tell him or her.