How publishers(or agents) handle publishing and managing minibooks

Q) How do publishers(or agents) publish minibooks?

Basically, anyone can publish a minibook. All you need to do is sign in and create a minibook.
So, even if you’re not an author but a publisher(or agent), if you have a sign-in account, you can create and publish a minibook.

Another way to publish is through an author, in which case the author creates and publishes minibooks after signing in with their own account. The publisher(or agent) negotiates with the author to acquire the publishing rights to the minibook(including language options). Once you have the publishing rights, you can modify the content of the minibook, and you get the profits if it is paid minibook.

* Please refer to the separate article on publication right transfer.

Q) How do publishers(or agents) and authors settle payments?

In this case, the author publishes a minibook and then hands over the publishing rights to the publisher(or agent). Then, the author and the publisher(or agent) should agree on a percentage to share the profits. You can set the percentage in the app. Revenue from the sale of minibooks will be paid to both the publisher(or agent) and the author in a predetermined percentage.

* Please refer to the separate article on publication right transfer.

Q) How do I find an international author or publisher(or agent)?

Finding an international author or publisher(or agent) is easy. When you open a minibook, there’s a Meet the Author menu at the bottom. Tap it – hit Message – and you can write to the author (or publisher / agent). You can also contact them via email.

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