Questions and answers about author payments.

Q) How do I set the selling price of a paid minibook?

You set the price of your own minibooks.
You can do it by – clicking your minibook – set a price – and asking to publish it.

When selling, the price will include VAT.




Q) What is the payment percentage?

There are a few costs that need to be subtracted from the sale price.
That is, fees (credit cards, etc.) and taxes.

After subtracting these, 70% of the money left over goes to the author.
YouBook only takes a minimal fee to maintain the platform.


Q) Ad revenue?

If readers view the ads, the resulting revenue will be settled in the same way as sales revenue.


Q) What is the payout cycle?

Payouts are made twice a year (in July and the following January).
This means that you will be paid for the last 6 months of sales the following month.


Q) Do I need to enter my bank account information?

Yes, you do.
We need to know your bank account information so that we can pay you.
We also need this information to file taxes with the IRS.

You can enter your information by – clicking on your photo at the top of the app screen – selecting Order Settlement – selecting Account info – selecting a minibook – and entering your bank account information.


YouBook does not use your information for any other purpose other than author payments.

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].

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